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Sparta Soccer Club

Information about Recreation Coach Roles

Sparta Soccer Club “Town” or Recreational Coaches Roles

We depend on Volunteer Coaches to run this program for your children. Below is a summary of what a coach does and the requirements for coaches in each Division. Please consider volunteering, your children are counting on you!

Head Coaches and Assistants must complete the following requirements. They are required by Sparta Twp, and New Jersey Youth Soccer most importantly for the safety of your children, and for liability purposes.

ü  Must be certified (ASEP, or Rutgers Cert.), or have an F license or higher *

ü  Complete and submit proof of an online Concussion Awareness Course*
ü  Complete and submit proof of an online Sexual Abuse Prevention Training Course*

ü  New Jersey Youth Soccer (NJYS) requires a background check for all*

*We will provide information and links for all requirements (more detail under Town coach Requirements)


Additional Information about each Division:

PKB - PreK Boys and   PKG -PreK Girls (separate)


·       On Saturdays for an hour of half practice / half scrimmage that introduces soccer skills

·       Have a lot of fun with the kids who are depending on you!

·       NY Redbull Trainers will be onsite to mentor / assist you on Saturdays

·       Access to NY REdbulls Training website for coaching information


KB -(Kindergarten Boys)  and KG -(Kindergarten Girls), (separate)


·       On Saturdays for an hour of half practice / half scrimmage that introduces soccer skills

·       Have a lot of fun with the kids who are depending on you!

·       NY Redbull Trainers will be onsite to mentor / assist you on Saturdays

·       Access to NY REdbulls Training website for coaching information


1st&2nd B (1st & 2nd grade Boys) and 1st&2nd G - (1st & 2nd grade Girls) (separate)


·       Hold one-hour practice one evening during the week and manage Saturday games

·       Have a lot of fun with the kids who are depending on you!

·       NY Redbull Trainers will be onsite to mentor / assist you on Saturdays

·       Access to NY REdbulls Training website for coaching information



345 B -(3rd, 4th & 5th   grade Boys) and   345 G(3rd, 4th & 5th   grade Girls), (separate)

·       Hold one-hour practice one evening during the week and manage Saturday games

·       Have a lot of fun with the kids who are depending on you!

·       Access to NY REdbulls Training website for coaching information


 678 C  -6th,7th & 8th  grade Coed Boys and Girls)

·       Hold one-hour practice one evening during the week and manage Saturday games*

·       Have a lot of fun with the kids who are depending on you!

·       Access to NY REdbulls Training website for coaching information


Town Coach Requirements

SSC Town League (Recreational) coaches are required to:

1. Complete ASEP Youth Soccer Coach Training:

This course is for coaches of athletes ages 13 and under participating in a recreational, noncompetitive setting. Learn fundamental coaching concepts and responsibilities and come away with the most important coaching points of the major skills and tactics of youth soccer.

In this interactive online course, you’ll learn to prepare for your season and provide the best possible experience for your athletes. The course is supplemented by excerpts from the Coaching Youth Soccer book, which are delivered as a series of PDF downloads within the course. As you progress through the online course, you’ll be prompted to read book excerpts to complete course activities. 

The course includes many interactive exercises that apply and enrich concepts from the book excerpts. The course introduces volunteer coaches to the games approach to coaching, which uses small-sided games to teach skills and tactics. It also includes a handy Coaches’ Clipboard utility with forms, documents, and detailed plans for successful practice sessions and game-day coaching. The course concludes with an online 30-question test.

Guided by a mentor coach, coaches face learning challenges in the following units:

  • Your Responsibilities
  • Communication
  • Safety and Fitness
  • Rules
  • The Games Approach to Coaching
  • Season and Practice Plans
  • Game-Day Tactics and Skill Instruction
  • Offensive and Defensive Tactics
  • Offensive and Defensive Skills
There is also a Rutgers Youth Sport course that can be accepted in lieu of ASEP if you have taken this course. (SSC will pay for ASEP) or hold an NJYS accepted Coaching license.

2. The Concussion education requirement is satisfied by completing the CDC Heads Up! course or the NFHS Head Injury Awareness course.

3. The SafeSport Training requirement must be completed on an annual basis, with a certificate dated after January 1st for the start of the seasonal year in which the coach applies (e.g., Jan. 1, 2024 for the 2024-2025 seasonal year).

4. The NJYS Background Check must be submitted through the NJYS registration provider every other year and screens federal, state, county, and municipal databases for criminal offenses. This check may also review the SafeSport Disqualification List and Discipline & Risk Management lists for National Governing Bodies. Adult participants must submit and pass the background check to be eligible for participation. The necessary information is collected during the regular coach registration process.

Detailed Information about each will be in your Confirmation email when you register to coach. However, all requirements must be completed for you to be assigned to a team. Some of this may seem time consuming but all are for the safety of your children.

Note for returning coaches: You may need updates on some requirements - NJYS will show what is needed when you register.

Field Status

Closed Closed

White Lake (01:24 PM | 01/13/25)

Closed Closed

STA 3 Turf (01:25 PM | 01/13/25)