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Sparta Soccer Club

Sparta Travel Soccer FAQ

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1. What is travel soccer?

Answer: Travel soccer is competitive soccer played against teams from other towns or communities. Games are played mostly in the Northern NJ area as a member of the MCYSA (Morris County Youth Soccer Association). Travel soccer is designed for players and parents who are willing to make a higher level of commitment in time, effort, training and competition. Players who have shown an interest and ability can benefit from moving to travel soccer. Most high school teams are made up of travel soccer players or above.

2. How is travel soccer different from recreational soccer?

Answer: There are three basic levels of soccer: recreational, travel, and premier travel such as EDP and NPL. Each level provides an increased level of commitment and cost. The Sparta Soccer Club recommends parents let their child decide the level that suits them. Most young children benefit from playing with their friends and classmates in their own community, at least until they are older, have developed their skills in the correct environment and or have committed to one sport. The Sparta Soccer Club strives to form as many teams as possible at the younger ages to give children a chance to experience travel soccer. As the teams get older the level of soccer and commitment may increase and or change to more premier travel either within the MCYSA or higher leagues depending on the makeup of the individual teams and participants. We encourage teams to take on higher levels of soccer where appropriate. Sparta has operated JAGS and MAPS teams when needed and can run similar teams in EDP and NPL in the future.

3. How much time will my child be expected to devote to soccer?

Answer: Travel teams generally practice twice per week starting in late August for the Fall session and March for the Spring session. Practices are 1.5 hours long. Additional indoor training during the winter is also provided for 10 weeks. Travel teams receive professional training as a team twice per week. The days and times are generally decided between the coach and the Club for the coordination of training. There are 10 games in the Fall and 10 game in the Spring and are typically on Sunday afternoons 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM. There are some occasions where games may be played mid-week or on Saturdays. One tournament a year is required typically one in the Fall or  one in the Spring and additional tournaments may be entered including MCYSA League Cup and NJYS State Cup and the tournaments are at the coaches discretion and may be on holiday weekends such as Memorial Day etc.

4. Where do we “travel” to?

Answer: Sparta Soccer Club teams play in the Morris County Youth Soccer Association. In general, games are played on Sundays between 12pm and 6pm. Home games are played at Station Park and White Lake fields. There are 5 home games and 5 away games for Fall and Spring. Away games are played in other towns in Morris and Sussex Counties and the surrounding area. Most away games are within 30-40 minutes of Sparta, with some being right around the corner, and others a little bit further away. Most tournaments entered by our SSC coaches are also local within an hour or less.

5. What if my child plays another sport?

Answer: Travel soccer is not for everyone. That being said, many of our players are able to juggle a schedule that includes baseball, basketball, swimming, dance, etc. Our coaches are expected to offer some consideration during the winter training season for conflicts.  No one expects a child that is 8-11 years old to focus on just one sport or activity.


If you commit to a travel team however, during the outdoor seasons Fall and Spring, soccer any conflicts should be discussed with your coaches before committing to a team as commitment can factor into placement on a team. Not conveying other commitments up front could negatively impact the team you commit to and its commitment to the league and or tournaments. This is particularly important as the teams get older from U12 and up.

Players are expected to be at all games and practices within reason. Keep in mind that player(s) that do not attend practice regularly ultimately limit the effectiveness of the practice & thus is not fair to those that consistently attend. It is the player/parent’s responsibility to effectively plan accordingly in order to minimize the impact of conflicting commitments. Discuss or convey to your coach other commitments you have that may conflict before accepting a position on a team as it may impact your acceptance on a team.

6. What is the difference between an “A” and “B” team?

Answer: Not much particularly at young ages. Seriously, we have so many children who want to play travel soccer that we are often able to form two teams in an age group. Both A and B teams receive the same instructional time and dedicated professional training. The expected commitment level should be the same at either level.

7. How are teams formed?

Roster formation: Rosters will be based on tryout results, trainer evaluations and properly sized rosters.

8. What if my child doesn’t make the team? When will I find out?

Answer: Typically 2-3 weeks after tryouts. While in past years we have attempted to wait until the conclusion of a season we have found that that delay has caused some players to take positions with other programs that commit to the players sooner. At that time we will also notify individuals of possible B team scenarios that should be confirmed in one additional week or so. Forming 2 teams in an age group does take additional effort and time and often a second coach so the time frame is not exact.

 9. How much will my child play?

Answer: For the full answer visit the SSC Official Policies and the SSC Play Time and Practice Commitment Policy.

Short answer: All players on teams in Flights 1 through 3 should receive 35% playing time over the course of the season..

All players on teams in all remaining Flights should receive 50% playing time over the course of the season.

10. How are coaches selected?

Answer: Each travel team must have one head coach and can have one or more assistant coaches. Head coaches are appointed by the SSC Board each year. They are selected to handle the coaching responsibilities for the upcoming fall and spring seasons. The selection of assistant coaches is the responsibility of the head coaches. Head coaches are held responsible by the SSC Board of Directors for adherence to all SSC rules and policies by all team members including players, parents and coaches.  For more, see the official Travel Coach Selection Policy.

11. What are the Parent responsibilities?

Answer: SSC expects each parent to be supportive of their child and the club by getting your child to practice and games on time, helping them to be regular in attendance at all or most activities, showing consideration to the coach and team by giving notice of absence as early as possible, paying your fees to the club and team timely, and by volunteering your time to help with SSC Tournaments, fundraisers and any other small requests we may have to accomplish our task of providing a quality program for your children.   Once a child commits to a travel team, we hope the parent will help to assure that the commitment is honored for the full commitment of Fall and Spring.  

12. What are the costs?


Program outline:
Training with our training partner Red Bull Youth trainers 2x a week for 11 weeks Fall and Spring 
Winter training 11 weeks indoors, with our training partner Red Bull Youth trainers and indoor space provided by SSC.
Red Bulls Game day trainers at a 5 of 10 games per season Fall and Spring
Individual Player evaluation completed by our Red Bull Training partner
One tournaments paid by the SSC (others optional at per player participation costs)
MCYSA League Cup and NJ State Cup Entrance and Referee fees.
*additional benefits being partnered with the NY Red Bull organization may include group outings at discounted rates to professional games and other program enhancement offerings in our immediate area etc. More details to follow.

Pre-Season Mini-camp run by our  Red Bulls training partner will be provided the last week of August on a participation basis. Those participating will pay a separate fee and there will be a separate registration. Details to be announced in 2 weeks.

Program costs: ($780)
Payment plan.
$240 registration (due Mid-June) NON-Refundable
$200 due August 29th
$200 due February 1
$140 due April 1

Field Status

Closed Closed

White Lake (01:24 PM | 01/13/25)

Closed Closed

STA 3 Turf (01:25 PM | 01/13/25)